Saturday 24 April 2010

Day 6

Bristol was ace.. Today Yaz and I had a few hours to kill before heading to Birmingham. It was gorgeous and sunny so we pranced about the quay and just relaxed.

Found traces of humous behind my ear from last nights food fight. Yaz and I are sick of the sight of the stuff, we thought it'd be a good idea to put it on the rider, seemed like a sensible healthy option at the time..truth is..HUMMOUS SUCKS!! It's ok when accompanied by other treats but alone...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...much better to slap in each others face.

Liverpool pics by Darren Cheshire x

Friday 23 April 2010

day 4..

Day off in Newcastle.

The gig was ace...loads of friends and family there made it even more special. They were all on their best behaviour too, so thanks!!

Ricky didn't heckle...coward.

Went back to 'Villa del Mare' (my mam and dads house). Its great going home to my parents, they live on the beach so usually I get up early and set out for adventures in the sand dunes, take photos of the cliff tops or just take a stroll on the sand. Today, I stayed in my Pyjamas. Today I did not leave the house. Today I watched reality tv programmes on mtv about spoilt little rich girls. Today I googled celebrities with cellulite. Today I ate leftover easter eggs. Today I ate custard out of the tub. Today I was a disgusting human. I believe that once a month it is completely acceptable for a woman to indulge in one of these slobbish days (we know what i am refering to).

Come 7 o clock I finally took a shower and put some clothes on. Mum had prepared a feast of Paella and other tapas type nibbles. Mums a goodn when it comes to cooking, she is also a real sucker for a theme, she was devestated yesterday as she couldn't find any spanish music to accompany dinner (so instead she played the amelie soundtrack, at least its a bit foreign she must have thought haha).

Before bed I asked my dad if I could record him singing. He has never heard himself sing before, even the idea itself made his eyes dance. After some persuasion I eventually got him to sit down with me and sing a song for me to record.

Watching his face when I played it back to him is a memory I will never forget and more beautiful then any I think I will ever know. We sat there like two mischevious school kids playing it back again and again. He looked like a child who had just seen snow for the first time. Today was brilliant.

....p.s my dad has a lush voice, its liiiiiike...I imagine it's what silk would sound like.

Off to Bristol today and am extremely excited for a number of reasons, another gig, a new city boyfriends coming haha. I've turned in to one of those sickly in love girls, that talks about her boyfriend constantly, that has his face as the background to every electrical device owned, that starts each sentence with 'me and...'


It's super sunny today (apparently everywhere in england has been apart from glasgow and newcastle) so lets get chuffed.

I know nout about Bristol except that there is a bridge which is famous for how many people have commited suicide by jumping off it...SHIRLEY BASSIES daughter being one of them. If Shirley was my mam i'd probably jump off a bridge're never going to live up to that womans legacy and vibrato!

Soundtracks to the day:

Brian Eno- here come the warm jets
Track 3- babys on fire........awesome.

Elbow- asleep in the back
track 1- any day now........hypnotic!

and of course..

my dads song. xx

day 3..

Goodbye bonny bonny scotland, i'll miss you.

Glasgow was brilliant, overwhelmingly so, being greeted by smiling faces outside the venue was a beautiful start to a beautiful evening.

BIG SHOUT OUT to Kith and Kitty, you two are an inspirational couple, with the most wonderful zest for life..a word of advice for all you gig goers from Kith and Kitty..GET YASELF A GOOD PAIR O EARPLUGS!! They'll save you a whole lot o bother in the future.

I'm in a really good mood today, mainly reflecting on all the comments from people at the gig, such kind words. It' s nice to get a pat on the back from time to time, just a little "you're alright you pet" will do me just fine. THANK YOU.

Off to Newcastle today, and I am well blooming nervous. Got all of the gang coming down, Papa, Mama and brother Shah. Hopefully my big brother Ricky will be on his best behavior tonight and not heckle, he loves a bit of iiiiiiiiiiiiit.

favourite Ricky Shah heckle to date?...



Lets see what he has in store for us this evening hey..



Soundtrack of the day: Blur- Think Tank

Track 2, 'out of time'...great backdrop to my mellow sombre mood. Every little detail in this song is perfect i think.

These dudes are most probably my favourite band of all time, I like to revisit them now again, its interesting (and a bit weird) revisiting such familiar songs in such different mind frames. That was not too well put, em I know what I mean.. x

Day 2 train journey continued..

Had to write again. The view on this train journey is lush. We pass through the lake district and the view is amazing, its as though nature is putting on a special show for me, canny. These hills look like giant dogs laid out on their bellies. Little houses tucked away on hillsides, which you hope inhabit this crazy old dude seeking solitude from society to live a pure life coexisting peacefully with nature (if so he's f**ked though, cause he's right by a trainline, poor sod. No wonder he hates everyone eh).

Anyway..all I wanted to say was that it is geet bonny outside. If you haven't visited this part o england then gan ahead n do it, get a few mates together and rent a cottage and go on mega treks into the wilderness.


17/04/10 Day 2:

Sooo..went to the Cavern club yesterday, the lovely security dude drew us a map (and a very good map at that ;-)). Had my photo taken with the John Lennon statue and am now a happy little lass (unless I look rank in it, innniiiit).

The gig was canny, the crowd were lovely. I understand there is a fair amount of patience necessary when watching my act and that people coming to a shakespeares sisters gig are in the mood for having a good old dance. Instead they are greeted with morbid sombre tales of bitter housewives and unrequited love. I am extremely grateful to everyone who is polite and quiet and claps loudly. Liverpool were a beautiful attentive bunch!! xx

Off tee Glasgeee nooo..

Tis a shame we can't spend too much time there as it is one of my favourite cities, but hopefully we'll be able to sneak a visit in to that junk shop in the west end. Its blooming marvellous, full of stuff and Yasmine and Nadine like stuff! very much.

Most importantly I get to practice my glasweigen accent, which at present even if i do say so myself is pretty damn convincing. All i need to do is learn to say something other than 'cheeky hooch' and 'one step closer n i'll bite your nose off'.

Iron Bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

Get to f**k, get it up yeeeh.



Soundtrack of the day: PJ Harvey- Stories from the city, stories from the sea.

Love the way she sings "when we walked through, LITTLE ITALY" in Good Fortune.
Track 3, A Place Called Home....ahhhhhhhhhhhhh PJ PJ PJ, I love ya. This is a class train travel song, I like it blasting on my ipod (not so loud you hurt your ears..take care of them!) walking real slow in rush hour on Oxford Street on a Saturday.


Shakespeares Sister Tour Diary 16/04/10 Day one:

up at silly o clock in the morning, hopped on that free bendy bus to Euston (have to take full advantage of it while its still in action). Arrive at station, city fellas with umbrellas all darting about, even busier today what with all this volcanic ash floating about stopping flights (I like talking about the volcanic ash, it sounds like something out of an apocalyptic film..brilliant...."RUN FOR THE HILLS!!").

Yasmine (my travel companion/best mate...carer) and I enjoyed a lovely breakfast of sushi and croissants.

Am currently sat on the train, en route to Liverpool. If we don't get time to do at least one beatles related thing the next post I write will be full of f**ks and b***rds! To avoid such things I will make an extra special effort to do so.


